
Manchester | Real Deals Manchester | Real Deals
Manchester | Real Deals Manchester | Real Deals
Manchester | Real Deals Manchester | Real Deals
Manchester | Real Deals

Our story starts in the 1980s, when we met as children, all growing up in the Ryan and Coggon, IA area. Although our lives took us in different directions, we always remained close friends. Now that we find ourselves back in our hometowns and settled down, we decided to find a way to work together and focus on what we love - fashion and home decorating. We each bring our own unique skill sets to Real Deals, but most of all we bring a love for Manchester, IA. We’re so excited to bring this unique shopping experience to our friends, families, and neighbors. We hope you love it as much as we do!

-- Amy, Teresa, & Michelle

Manchester | Real Deals

Online shopping is convenient, but nothing beats the magic of walking through your own local boutique on a Saturday morning.

Amy, Teresa, and Michelle can’t wait to meet you!

Store Location

935 E. Main Street Manchester, IA 52057


Wednesday 10am - 5pm Thursday 10am - 6pm Friday 10am - 5pm Saturday 10am - 3pm Tuesday By Appointment

Manchester | Real Deals Manchester | Real Deals

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